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'use strict';
// Include Gulp & Tools We'll Use
var gulp = require('gulp');
var $ = require('gulp-load-plugins')();
var del = require('del');
var runSequence = require('run-sequence');
var pagespeed = require('psi');
var app = require('./server');
var vinylfs = require('vinyl-fs');
'ie >= 10',
'ie_mob >= 10',
'ff >= 30',
'chrome >= 34',
'safari >= 7',
'opera >= 23',
'ios >= 7',
'android >= 4.4',
'bb >= 10'
// Lint JavaScript
gulp.task('jshint', function () {
return gulp.src('site-assets/*.js')
// Optimize Images
gulp.task('images', function () {
return gulp.src('site-assets/*.{png,jpg,svg}')
progressive: true,
interlaced: true
.pipe($.size({title: 'images'}));
// Copy All Files At The Root Level (app)
gulp.task('copy', function () {
return vinylfs.src([
], {
dots: true,
base: './',
followSymlinks: false,
.pipe($.size({title: 'copy'}));
// Compile and Automatically Prefix Stylesheets
gulp.task('styles', function () {
// For best performance, don't add Sass partials to `gulp.src`
return gulp.src([
.pipe($.size({title: 'styles'}))
// Scan Your HTML For Assets & Optimize Them
gulp.task('html', function () {
var assets = $.useref.assets({searchPath: '{.tmp,.}'});
return gulp.src('index.html')
// Output Files
// Running vulcanize over the written output
// because it requires access to the written
// CSS and JS.
.pipe($.vulcanize({ dest: 'dist', strip: true }))
.pipe($.size({title: 'html'}));
// Clean Output Directory
gulp.task('clean', del.bind(null, ['.tmp', 'dist']));
// Build Production Files, the Default Task
gulp.task('default', ['clean'], function (cb) {
runSequence(['styles', 'copy'], ['jshint', 'html', 'images'], cb);
// Run PageSpeed Insights
// Update `url` below to the public URL for your site
gulp.task('pagespeed', pagespeed.bind(null, {
// By default, we use the PageSpeed Insights
// free (no API key) tier. You can use a Google
// Developer API key if you have one. See
// for info key: 'YOUR_API_KEY'
url: '',
strategy: 'mobile'
gulp.task('serve', function (cb) {
app.listen(8080, cb);
gulp.task('test-server', function (cb) {
app.listen(8000, cb);